Friday, March 23, 2007

losing battle with a 3 hole punch

why is it that every single time i use a 3 hole punch i find myself drowning in a sea of thoes tiny little white dots. why cant i just punch the wholes in the papers and be done with it? the whole task i was assigned at work in reality should only take about 3-4 minutes; depending on distractions such as phone calls or walk-ins maybe 5 minutes max. but instead i am sitting on the floor trying to pick up every teeny tiney damn dot for 10 minutes when and then when there are only approx. 15 dots left, then, then is when i realize it would be much easier if i would have just used the packing tape in my top drawer.

i would say Thank God its Friday but in my world, this is just the beginning of another fabulous work week.