Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's been a while...

....since I could hold my head up high.... it's been a while since i first saw you... ok enough with the singing, I started a blog 2 years ago, and blogged one single solitary time... and then forgot all about it. But now I am back and blogging better than ever. Or will be... just give it time.
So Keith and I got married ...and got pregnant.... and got winning numbers on the lottery!!!!!!
Ok well not that last part... but the first 2 were things that I have wanted and received so I just figure... if I wish it... it will come?!?! I guess we need to actually play the lotto to win the lotto. So for now I guess I will hope that Howard wins and then so kindly gives the Francis fam a few mil.
Anyway ... the point of this new blog was to see if anyone else has the same problem I often have... you know on some websites, be it if you are leaving a comment on facebook, or myspace, or trying to reset a password for any give online account there is a "photo" if you will of weird font letters and numbers and the computer will prompt you to enter what you see... to make sure you are not a ... well... im not sure why they ask you to do it.... anyway EVERY TIME without fail... for some reason... maybe I am blind... maybe the "photo" has an i and it looks like a l or 1 or something... i get them wrong... every single time. Not only do they give me a new "photo" of a word... thats not really a word as much as letters smushed together and blurry to see if you can make out what the heck it says and type it in (not case sensitive my ass). So today when I was trying to get my blog account up again... i swear on my life... it made me try 25 OR MORE times... then there is a handicap button next to the empty box in which you type said mysterious non-word... that if you click on the (offensive in my opinion) handicap wheelchair logo... it plays audio... of white noise and ramblings in different languages and then some guy is saying 5 Numbers... and they then ask you to type in the numbers that you hear!!!! and i still got it wrong!!!! how on earth does this happen to me!

So I am getting my eyes checked.... followed by a hearing test.
(however I dont think its me.... I think my laptop needs the check up)


Flasch186 said...

Bank on it!

Jessie said...

ummm yes I admit it I go through the same thing too. and yes iI laughed out loud at the end of this post